Madrox in the MCU

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Madrox in the MCU

Post by geocarr »

I think it would have been clever if once Disney acquired the film rights to the X-Men world if they had cast Madrox the Multiple Man and placed him in every film and show as someone you wouldn’t notice and then reveal him as who he is in the first or second X-Men movie as someone who’s been doing something significant in the background all along.

James Gunn could also do something similar with the Firestorm villain, Multiplex.

Just sharing thoughts and story ideas. Thanks for reading.

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Re: Madrox in the MCU

Post by Chiclo »

Stan Lee was Madrox all along?

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Re: Madrox in the MCU

Post by Cyberstrike »

Well Peter David did that in X-Factor vol. 2.
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