Complete List of Newsstand Valiants

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Complete List of Newsstand Valiants

Post by magnusr »

Vault-Keeper wrote:Does anyone know of a complete list of newstand V1 Valiants?

Were there any V2 or V3 newstand variants?---Steve
A number of newsstand editions have been found. We do not know if it's a complete list. Only thing we know for sure are the dates when they might have been published.

Summary of known newsstands with prices:
Bloodshot 30-48 (30, 31, 32 are price variants)
Destroyer #0 (price variant, different paper stock)
Magnus 55-64 (only corrected version found for issue 57)
Ninjak 0, 00, 15-26
Solar 46-49, 51-60
Turok 22-32
Visitor 1-11
Visitor vs. Valiant Universe #1, 2 (both are price variants and have different paper stock)
X-O Manowar 43-49, 50X, 50O, 51-62 (43 is a price variant)

Magic the Gathering:
Antiquities War 1
Antiquities War 2 (not actually marked "newsstand", but different UPC box from "direct")
Antiquities War 3 (different UPC from direct)
Antiquities War 4
Ice Age 3, 4
Fallen Empires 1 (different cover image)
Fallen Empires 2 (different cover image)
Shadow Mage 1 (sticker over UPC area)
Shadow Mage 2 (different UPC from direct)
Shadow Mage 3 (different UPC from direct)
Shadow Mage 4 (different UPC from direct)

Destroyer 0 and Visitor vs 1 & 2 were published with different paper for the cover. They also had different price from the direct editions.

Apart from Destroyer 0 and Visitor vs 1 & 2 some other newsstand issues have different price. See this thread: viewtopic.php?p=413027#413027

Bloodshot 47 and Magnus 60 had badly printed UPC symbol that didn't work with the UPC scanners. As a result, many copies have a sticker placed over the UPC.

There are also a number of comics that were published in the right time frame, but for which no newsstand version has been reported. We can not know if this is because they were never published or if they have simply not been sighted. Based on Brother J's list of books published during the right period (a list of possible candidates), a few comments are made below. This is just an addendum and should not be confused with the list of known newsstand editions. For many of them, it is likely that no newsstand version ever was published.

Armorines #11, 12 (No Armorines newsstand has ever been reported)
Bloodshot #26-51, Last Stand (know of 30-48)
Destroyer #0 (known, has different cover price)
Eternal Warrior #32-50, Wings Special, Fist and Steel #1, 2 (No Eternal Warrior newsstand has ever been reported)
Geomancer #6-8 (No Geomancer newsstand has ever been reported)
HARD Corps #28-30 (No HARD Corps newsstand has ever been reported)
Harbinger #39-41 (No Harbinger newsstand has ever been reported)
Magnus #46-64 (know of 55-64)
Ninjak #0, 00, 14-26 (know of 0, 00, 15-26)
Outcast Special #1 (Has not been reported)
Psi-Lords #8-10 (No Psi-Lords newsstand has ever been reported)
Punx #1-3, Manga Special (No Punx newsstand has ever been reported)
Rai #31-33 (No Rai newsstand has ever been reported)
Second Life Dr. Mirage #17, 18 (No Dr Mirage newsstand has ever been reported)
Secret Weapons #19-21 (No Secret Weapons newsstand has ever been reported)
Shadowman #35-43 (No Shadowman newsstand has ever been reported)
Solar #43-60 (know of 46-49, 51-60)
Timewalker #0, 5-15 (No Timewalker newsstand has ever been reported)
Turok #0, 22-47, the Hunted #1, 2 (know of 22-32)
Visitor #1-13 (know of 1-11)
Visitor vs. Valiant Universe #1, 2 (both known, have different cover price and UPC box)
X-O Manowar (know of 43-49, 50X, 50O, 51-62).


Edited for mrwoogie's, Dan's, GJB's, Mr.V's, Rufusharley's, caxiotis', mjm00014's, hulk181man's, Tim's, tarheelmarine's, iggy101us's, wallywest's and tford1972's additions. Also edited for clarity.
Last edited by magnusr on Fri Feb 11, 2022 2:07 am, edited 46 times in total.

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Post by mrwoogieman »

I have Magnus 63-64 and Solar 59-60 Newsstand copies...

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Post by Vault-Keeper »

Interesting list. Thanks for posting it, Magnus. It looks like it might be a long, ongoing quest to put together a complete set of newstand editions.---Steve

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Post by mrwoogieman »

Picked out some newsstand issues from a collection that I had, didn't know they were in there. Not really collecting these specifically, but I've starting saving them when I run into them. These aren't price variants, just says 'newsstand sales' in the upc instead of 'direct sales'. The new ones:

Bloodshot 37 40 42 43 46 47
X-O 60

I also previously acquired

Magnus 63 64
Solar 59 60
Ninjak 00

Plus the price variant Vis v Val U 1 and 2

[posting this twice because this list looks more complete than the other one....]

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Post by magnusr »

mrwoogieman wrote:[posting this twice because this list looks more complete than the other one....]
List updated.


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Post by slym2none »

I have yet to see one of these.... now I haveta go looking through all the LCS's in the area.. again...........

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Post by jedimarley »

slym2none wrote:I have yet to see one of these.... now I haveta go looking through all the LCS's in the area.. again...........

Your best bet for newsstand versions would be flea markets and yard sales.

99% of the time LCS's will have the Direct versions.

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Post by depluto »

Crikey, I didn't realize there were so many of these. Are the cover prices different?

How much do you guys pay for these?

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Post by magnusr »

depluto wrote:Crikey, I didn't realize there were so many of these. Are the cover prices different?

How much do you guys pay for these?
It's the ones in paranthesis that are confirmed. Additions to the list are welcome. If nothing else is noted, only the box differs (saying Direct or Newsstand edition). In short, only Destroyer 0 and the Vistor vs the Valiant Universe titles have different cover prices. Apart from these (which I don't have) they sell cheap.


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Post by sonicdan »

I just looked through my collection for newsstand versions.
Found a few more I didn't know I had and have about 20 or so now.

I can add to the list of confirmed newsstand versions of Bloodshot 32, 41 ,Visitor 2 and XO 58.

I am real curious how many more can be confirmed.
I'd say many on the release date list don't exist as newsstand versions.
If I were to speculate, I'd guess that when they started doing some books or series as newsstand (i.e. Bloodshot) the rest of the line had
the upc boxes updated to say Direct Sales, even if a newsstand version did not exist.
Titles that were ending soon (i.e. HARD Corps, Harbinger, Psi Lords, Secret Weapons etc.)
that have not been confirmed are probably safe bets. I'd love to be proven wrong however and would love to see a definitive list.
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Post by magnusr »

sonicdan wrote:I just looked through my collection for newsstand versions. Found a few more I didn't know I had and have about 20 or so now.
Thanks, if you found doubles we might have more to discuss.
I can add to the list of confirmed newsstand versions of Bloodshot 32, 41 ,Visitor 2 and XO 58.
List updated.
I am real curious how many more can be confirmed.
I'd say many on the release date list don't exist as newsstand versions.
If I were to speculate, I'd guess that when they started doing some books or series as newsstand (i.e. Bloodshot) the rest of the line had
the upc boxes updated to say Direct Sales, even if a newsstand version did not exist.
Titles that were ending soon (i.e. HARD Corps, Harbinger, Psi Lords, Secret Weapons etc.)
that have not been confirmed are probably safe bets. I'd love to be proven wrong however and would love to see a definitive list.
Board members start looking! :thumb:
Good points!


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Post by GJB »

I can confirm a few more from my collection,

X-O #43,#47
Ninjak #15,#21,#22
Turok #26,27
Visitor #3
Bloodshot #33,#34,#36

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Post by magnusr »

GJB wrote:I can confirm a few more from my collection,

X-O #43,#47
Ninjak #15,#21,#22
Turok #26,27
Visitor #3
Bloodshot #33,#34,#36
Thanks, list updated.


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Post by sonicdan »

magnusr wrote:
Thanks, if you found doubles we might have more to discuss.
No doubles unfortunately. There were a few regional shops I found a few of these a while back ago.
I plan to check back there soon for a closer look.
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Post by GJB »

I can now confirm Ninjak #20. Thanks to you guys, I'm on a new Valiant collecting binge. :atomic:

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Post by magnusr »

GJB wrote:I can now confirm Ninjak #20. Thanks to you guys, I'm on a new Valiant collecting binge. :atomic:
That's the risk of lists like this :) . I hope they are still cheap when I start collecting them. Ninjak 20 added. Maybe we can soon start getting scans.


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Post by GJB »

magnusr wrote: That's the risk of lists like this :) . I hope they are still cheap when I start collecting them. Ninjak 20 added. Maybe we can soon start getting scans.

Yep, If you are collecting these issues, it gives you a reason to revisit shops you've market off your list. It's part of the fun.

I don't think you need to worry about cost, they are few and far between at my local shops. That should help them fly under the radar. Now if Greg puts them into the price guide, that would be a different story. When I hit the Pittsburgh Comicon, most of the vendors with walled Valiants were using Greg's site as a guide for prices.

I can provide scans if so desired.

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Post by GJB »

Bloodshot #31 and X-O #46 are confirmed.

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Post by magnusr »

GJB wrote:Bloodshot #31 and X-O #46 are confirmed.
Thanks, you're on a roll.


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Post by GJB »

magnusr wrote: Thanks, you're on a roll.

Like I said, binge. :wink:

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Post by mrwoogieman »

So right now, the newsstand titles are

X-O Manowar

I'm surprised that Eternal Warrior didn't make the newsstand cut, seemingly. The other titles, as others have speculated, were probably too close to cancellation to warrant the expansion in their distribution and can probably be removed from consideration...

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Post by Vault-Keeper »

mrwoogieman wrote:So right now, the newsstand titles are

X-O Manowar

I'm surprised that Eternal Warrior didn't make the newsstand cut, seemingly. The other titles, as others have speculated, were probably too close to cancellation to warrant the expansion in their distribution and can probably be removed from consideration...
You forgot to add the "Destroyer" #0 and "Visitor vs. The Valiant Universe" titles. Could there possiby be an "Outcast" newstand?

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Post by mrwoogieman »

Vault-Keeper wrote:
mrwoogieman wrote:So right now, the newsstand titles are

X-O Manowar

I'm surprised that Eternal Warrior didn't make the newsstand cut, seemingly. The other titles, as others have speculated, were probably too close to cancellation to warrant the expansion in their distribution and can probably be removed from consideration...
You forgot to add the "Destroyer" #0 and "Visitor vs. The Valiant Universe" titles. Could there possiby be an "Outcast" newstand?
Those two off-shoot titles would be represented on the list like this

Solar/Destroyer one shot
Visitor/Vis v. Val U
X-O Manowar

rather than having their own slot. My guess is no for the Outcast, no for the tail ends of the early cancellation titles and no for the one shot/specials like BS Last Stand, the Yearbooks, Turok The Hunted, etc.

EW really seems to be the only one that should be there but isn't as yet.

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Post by GJB »

mrwoogieman wrote: Those two off-shoot titles would be represented on the list like this

Solar/Destroyer one shot
Visitor/Vis v. Val U
X-O Manowar

rather than having their own slot. My guess is no for the Outcast, no for the tail ends of the early cancellation titles and no for the one shot/specials like BS Last Stand, the Yearbooks, Turok The Hunted, etc.

EW really seems to be the only one that should be there but isn't as yet.
How was the original list compiled? I know it says Brother J created it from release dates, but what does that mean?

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Post by magnusr »

GJB wrote:How was the original list compiled? I know it says Brother J created it from release dates, but what does that mean?


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