Theebaldmoose aka Chris Amundson

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Theebaldmoose aka Chris Amundson

Post by nycjadie »

Chris Amundsen passed away yesterday. He is a long time Valiant and comic fan, and a friend. He was the admin for the FB group, where many of you may have known him. I’ve known and spent time with him at many comic cons and at the Bloodshot movie preview in Seattle.

Chris was passionate about a lot of things and was an all around great human. I’m very sorry that he has passed. Chris touched a lot of people and I have no doubt our loss will impact many in a profound way.

We miss you man.

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Re: Theebaldmoose aka Chris Amundson

Post by ManofTheAtom »

I saw that in the Get VALIANT FB (I'm blocked from the other group). It sucks.
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Re: Theebaldmoose aka Chris Amundson

Post by magnusr »

That's sad. He will be missed.



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Re: Theebaldmoose aka Chris Amundson

Post by Juki »

Theebaldmoose was a great addition to this board. I remember him always being helpful. Also,I believe he won the last Fantasy Football League run through this message board in 2018. RIP.

Is there any info on the cause of his passing? (Was he sick?).

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Especially "dude." And "balls." Those terms work in the tech industry.
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Re: Theebaldmoose aka Chris Amundson

Post by nycjadie »

He was about my age (50) and died of natural causes. He was pretty active and his side hustle was as a referee for youth sports. I’m not sure the specifics.

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Re: Theebaldmoose aka Chris Amundson

Post by aj583 »

I saw this news on the Facebook page as well. This is very sad news. I didn’t know him too well. Chatted with him once in a while and bought some books from him. Seemed like a straight up guy. I’m 50 as well, so it kind of hits hard. Thanks for the post. Hoping the best for his family and loved ones.

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Re: Theebaldmoose aka Chris Amundson

Post by greg »

Sorry to see this --- I definitely remember the Theebaldmoose here on the board, but I don't know if I had the chance to meet him at a convention. 50 is too young.

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