If you could be in a comic....

Discuss the VALIANT comics, characters, and collecting.

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If you could be in a comic....

Post by kryptonitecomics »

This topic was posted over on the CPG forum and I thought it might go over well here. You will all be proud of me for my response over there and I will post it here for your amusement :D

The point of the thread I want to know if you could be in any comic What comic would you be in? What would be your charactor name? And would you be killed, hero for the day, a sidekick or other?

My response from the other boards:

I'd be in an issues of Solar Man of the Atom. My name would be Orville Redenbocker, and I would be an Evil Genuis that uses Solar and his atomic powers in a Plot to prematurely pop ever kernal of popcorn on the planet except for my hidden stash.

I would then contact the head of the Motion Picture industry and extort the sum of $1 Billion dollars for the safe return of popcorn to theatres everywhere. :D

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Post by DawgPhan »

Do we have to be in a valiant book or what....I guess any book...I would be in an issue of bloodshot....zombies would start to take over the earth and it would be up to Uberman(me) and bloodshot to save the day...bloodshot would find me driving a ferrari very fast while drinking crown royal staright from the bottle and firing a machine gun into the air...as night falls I start blasting zombies in the face and then I join up with bloodshot to kick some major zombie butt...we blast zombies at the grocery store, we blast zombies in the libary, in a tribute to john woo we blast zombie in a dove filled church with dual barettas...finally we would drive the zombies back to their zombie headquaters where we would meet the most dangerous zombies of all....Bikini clad zombie chicks with machine guns. I would be battling them when it looks like bloodshot runs away, but really he is going to get a helicopter with one of those bucket things so he can dump gasoline on the zombie b**ches(oops! :oops: ) then as I am hanging from the rope latter...I flick in slow motion the cigarette, that I have been smoking the whole book, onto the zombie chicks and they burst into a huge zombie fire...oh yeah the cigarette would be shown flipping on to the zombie chicks in like 5 or 6 panels...man that would be totally awesome...

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